What I'm listening to - January 2025

I'm starting a series on the podcasts, audiobooks, etc. that are grabbing my attention. I'll curate the best of what I'm listening to and pull out some good quotes that stuck with me. Here's the first edition:
- The Startup Teaching 2-Year Olds to Read - Niels Hoven on The Peel
- Why school doesn't always help kids maximize their potential: "The goal of modern education policy is not to help every child reach their potential. The goal of education policy is to close gaps between high-trajectory students and struggling students. And the problem is that when you just teach pure math in an efficient way...the kids for whom math clicks, just pick it up and start moving really, really fast"
- Jared Kushner - The Mechanic - Invest like the Best
- Key to negotiation: "You just have to listen. If you listen to people, they tend to tell you what's important to them... People generally come with preconceived notions to different situations. Perhaps it's ego. But I find that if you're trying to do a transaction with somebody, it's not about trying to impose what you want. It's about trying to give them what they want while also getting what you want."
- 2025 Predictions - Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose
- I never miss these. Nothing too esoteric this time. For mental clarity, Tim is going back to meditating twice a day after trying lots of different tools and tactics.
I meant to write some more but I've been distracted by the wildfires in LA. I feel blessed that my family was able to evacuate safely, but I'm deeply saddened by the tragic loss and devastation. I hope you're staying safe and have a great 2025.